The purpose for my completing chapter 19 is to learn the pacing aspect of animations. My experience in creating this fadeout animation includes the use of movieclips and the library to store symbols. I know now that a symbol can have its own timeline and that this enables me to apply a tween shape and trade it with the circle on the stage of the document timeline that has a classic tween. This will enable me to apply different movements to the same element. On the document timeline, the circle gets bigger, moves off of the stage and fades due to the classic tween and number of the keyframes. And on the movie clip timeline, the symbol, shape tween, and number of keyframes allow for the circle to change shape from being a circle to a square and back to being a circle at a faster pace.

I had difficulty with exercise 5 when the instructions said to create the animation circle. When I tested the movie, the circles faded off of the stage at an angle. I found out that I needed to position the animation circle in the same location as the circle on the document timeline. After completing this exercise, I feel that I have the ability to apply varied paces towards different shaped elements on a document timeline.

Larger fadeout version